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Click the link within the email to confirm, and explore our prospectus and learn how using Neuroscience in Coaching with the NeuChem method can help both you and your clients.

The prospectus includes:

  • An introduction to why neuroscience is so important in wellbeing and mental health coaching in today’s society.
  • Our coaching courses fully explained, outlining all modules included and the potential learnings you will undergo
  • Who we are as an organisation: our ethics and origins; and how we believe coaching should be done to maximise the help given to clients.
  • Plus, much more!


Accessing our virtual learning area

The team will send you your membership account details via email. Once logged in, you can access a variety of free resources around neuroscience, psychology, and coaching, and ask questions in the forum to existing students – who can give first hand accounts of what it is like to learn at the School of NeuChem Coaching.